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Our Core Values

Working with an external recruiting company can have a significant impact on your culture as their candidates and their experiences are a reflection of your leadership. While doing due diligence, one should look at the brand's core values to learn why they're in the business.

Below, you'll find our six core values, which will help you dive deeper into our mission and brand. We know the unique challenges you face as a company wanting to hire internationally, but that's only part of it. You won't see the term ethics here because all the core values listed have an ethical focus interwoven throughout.

Talent has no borders.

Talent can be found anywhere in the world. Since you can recruit internationally, you will get some of the best talent in the world. We're not saying the United States doesn't have what you need, but there's unique, untapped, and affordable talent in other countries just waiting to bolster your business in ways we can't fathom.

Diversity in everything we do.

Diversity is in our DNA. Companies should be composed of different elements and include all kinds of people. So many cultures, ethnicities, races, and more bring so much to the table. We're empowering businesses to look beyond the "traditional." You'll experience new thoughts and viewpoints while giving you a competitive edge and creating new opportunities.

Respect is deserved by everyone.

Everyone deserves respect, and we focus on this aspect when we interact with clients and candidates. We believe respect comes in many forms and must be mutual. Our candidates shouldn't have to deal with long hiring processes, so we offer transparency, sensitivity, and efficiency at every turn.

Winning together is always possible.

We don't take the "you versus me" mentality when finding appropriate candidates. There is no employee/employer separation here. Good talent in the US can be much more expensive than in other countries. Foreigners want to work for amazing companies and make enough to support themselves and often lift themselves out of unfortunate circumstances; you can be the one who makes a difference. It doesn't always have to be a battle during negotiations; we can all work together to create something better!

Compassion and empathy above all else.

We strive for compassion and empathy above all else. What does that mean, though? Our team focuses on understanding cultural differences and can share the feelings of our clients and recruits. Since we're compassionate and empathic, we focus on where they are in their minds and go from there, putting ourselves in their position to fully understand their unique needs.

Leave the world in a better place than you found it.

Everyone's goal should be to leave the world in a slightly better way than they found it. For us, that means trying to improve wherever we go. It starts with speaking kindly, but it goes much deeper than that. We know you need an extraordinary performance and someone who can think outside the box. When you hire internationally and utilize our team, you save money while (hopefully) offering better salaries to those in foreign countries. It's a win-win situation for everyone!